Sunday, July 31, 2011


Oh my garden is being so good to me. Yesterday I went out there for a check up and came back with patty pan squash, cucumbers and one lunar carrot. They all tasted stupidly delicious. The tomatoes are really taking their time but they taste good green so if I get antsy I just eat them anyways. I have a cute idea for bringing my herbs in when it gets cold, but it involves a ton of mason jars and I worry I should save them for canning.

I am reading so many good books. Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin is the best read I've found in a while. My friend Debbie lent it to me and now I don't know if my life will be complete without owning it. I also read the Baby Food Bible, every issue of Canadian Family & Today's Parent that I could find. I read Dr. Bradley's Husband-Coached Childbirth and BirthCentre's Baby's First Year and.. well, to be honest just about every book in the Pregnancy, Birthing, Parenting, Eco-friendly, Recipe Book & Craft sections of both Landon & Stoney Creek library. I've had so much time on my hands with being off work but being too pregnant to do anything useful. Which brings me to my next point.

I spent 2 days in Toronto with Calvin and various members of my family trying to find my little sister, Sarah, an apartment. It was really fun and a good way to get out of the house. We found a great restaurant called Just Thai, so next time you're there check it out. I think it's on Jarvis, somewhere near King if I remember.

My blog turns 1 year old on the 7th. I'd like to write a celebratory post and give away all sorts of prizes and make it miraculous but that's a day away from my Estimated Due Date and I seriously doubt I'll be thinking about blogging. Well, maybe I will :) Would anyone like if I share my birth story on here? I plan to if anyone would enjoy.

Calvin got a great hair cut from my talented friend Bethany last night. He's still asleep but I can admire it none the less. And he finally has a long weekend which is very exciting!

If I don't post much in the coming days I hope you understand but I look forward to writing up a storm once things settle down & I already having canning plans so we can be sure that I will document the heck out of that! Thanks for reading my friends.

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At July 31, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I most certainly want to read your birth story. Have you ever read mine? It's here...

I'm so glad you are enjoying Spiritual Midwifery. I Loved it so much. We should have a little visit soon. Maybe we can come to you??? xoxo

At August 2, 2011 at 3:52 PM , Blogger Amy Ford said...

Thanks for sharing Debbie! I would like a visit - I wonder if any events are coming up at Stoney Creek library that Isaac would like. It's a short walk for me & it would be a cool place to catch up.


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