Sunday, November 6, 2011

Make Up's Dirty Secret

You may have heard of conventional produce's dirty dozen (the 12 fruits and veggies you really should buy organic) but you probably haven't heard of the cosmetic dirty dozen.

With books like There's Lead in Your Lipstick becoming best sellers people are more aware of what's in the products that they smear on their faces daily. Here are some of the worst additives in make up today, according to the David Suzuki Foundation:

- Coal tar dyes
- Dibutyl phthalate
- Formaldehyde-releasing chemicals
- Parabens
- Parfum (fragrance)
- PEG compounds
- Petrolatum
- Siloxanes
- Tricolsan

If any of your cosmetics contain these ingredients it's time to hit the natural foods store & pick up a better brand. Or - an even greater solution is to make your own. (Wow, who thought I'd say that?)

Email or comment me your favourite face, body & hair products and I'll see what nifty homemade recipes I can scrounge up.

For more posts on cosmetics click here.

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At November 6, 2011 at 5:18 PM , Blogger Dallas said...

I use baking soda and honey as my face cleanser, almond oil to moisturize, yogurt at night if I need extra moisturizing (I have dry skin), and I actually just made some homemade hairspray tonight using water, sugar, vodka and essential oils ;-)

At November 7, 2011 at 1:04 PM , Blogger Amy Ford said...

I've rarely used hairspray so never thought to make it but that sounds great! Which oils did you choose?

At November 7, 2011 at 5:45 PM , Blogger Dallas said...

I used one with an orange scent. I have short fine hair so I need a little bit of hairspray to keep it out of my face.


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