Saturday, October 19, 2013

100 Things

I am challenging all of my readers to print this list out and do your darnedest to attempt some of all of this fun list! Your deadline is December 2014! Report back!

1. Go on a nature hike
2. Go on a camping trip
3. Go on a family vacation
4. Go fishing
5. Explore Algonquin
6. Attend a local festival
7. Shop a new farmers' market
8. Go to a local sports game
9. Go on a picnic at a park
10. Go biking
11. Take a factory tour in your city (chocolate, cheese, coffee, wine, ice cream)
12. Buy something from an independent vendor
13. Homemake a gift
14. Sponsor a child in a third-world country
15. Learn a new skill like knitting or canning
16. Use technology in one way, to lower your carbon footprint - i.e. switch to a digital family calendar instead of a paper one
17. Decrease your use of technology, in one way, to appreciate nature more - i.e. spend the afternoon collecting leaves instead of watching Netflix
18. Do a city-wide, or neighbourhood-wide scavenger hunt
19. Bundle up and go puddle jumping in the rain
20. Bundle up and play in the snow
21. Turn on the sprinkler and beat the heat
22. Go on a real date even if you've been married for years
23. Volunteer your time
24. Donate to a local cause
25. Replace one cosmetic product you love with a natural version (need a recommendation?)
26. Try a new recipe
27. Make a new friend
28. Take a course or class (through Spectrum magazine, a local college, or a free University course online)
29. Start a savings fund
30. Practice yoga
31. Practice meditation
32. De-compress with a nice, warm bath
33. Do something nice for a friend - bring a meal over, call them on their birthday, show up with coffee/tea to their work, write them a nice note, sneak money into their wallet when they need it most
34. Treat a family member to a coffee date
35. Eat dinner with no tv on
36. Clean out your closet and donate at least 5 items of clothing
37. Get 8 hours of sleep
38. Read a book you've always wanted to read
39. Read an old favourite
40. Go to a local farm and meet the farmer
41. Learn a kitchen skill (how to make nut milk, how to bake bread, how to make yogurt)
42. Finish a home-reno project
43. Organize your computer files, or smart phone photos, or filing cabinet
44. Start a journal
45. Tell someone you're grateful for something they did
46. Tell someone you're sorry for something you did
47. Tell someone you forgive them for something they've done
48. Tell a friend how much they mean to you
49. Watch or listen to a great comedian
50. Pick wildflowers and bring them home for your kitchen
51. Refuse to purchase 1 chemical cleaning agent, and instead purchase an eco-friendly version
52. Make leftovers into a new dish the next night
53. Pack a lunch to work
54. Make breakfast for someone else
55. Plant vegetable seeds in spring
56. Share your harvest with a friend
57. Make a calming playlist, or use one on Songza, and keep it going all day
58. Encourage someone who is doing a good thing
59. Send an annonymous note of thanks to a business
60. Call a place of business after you've shopped there and compliment 1 specific staff member
61. Make a piece of art, even if it's a friendship bracelet
62. Watch a sunrise
63. Watch a sunset
64. Witness a special cosmic event like an eclipse or meteor shower
65. Start composting
66. Organize your shed, garage, balcony, front steps
67. Smile at a stranger
68. Hold the door for a stranger
69. Be kind to someone who was not kind to you
70. Learn an instrument, if only a few chords
71. Learn to change a tire
72. Learn to mend a sock
73. Send a Christmas or birthday card to an elderly relative
74. Subscribe to an eco-friendly online blog
75. Build a snowman
76. Start a snow fight
77. Build a snow fort
78. Play real pond hockey - make sure it's safe first!
79. Pack yourself hot cocoa in a thermos (warm milk + honey + cocoa powder, sea salt and vanilla if you like)
80. Take a family photo
81. Attend a city meeting, green group, etc.
82. Walk or bike somewhere that you would usually drive
83. Eat something homemade on a night you would usually get fast food
84. Donate blood
85. Donate food to the food bank
86. Pay for the person behind you in line at a coffeeshop, or in the drive-through
87. Leave an encouraging note in a book at the library
88. Stick up for someone who is being bullied in an online message board, forum, YouTube comments, etc.
89. Have a ladies night, or a guys night
90. Host a dinner party
91. Host a movie night
92. Make more of an effort at your job than they expect you to
93. Choose your family over another commitment, in a big way
94. Call someone who wouldn't expect it, just to talk
95. Remember someone's birthday
96. Unplug a charger when you're not using it
97. Let your hair air dry
98. Correctly recycle batteries or 1 electronic device
99. Leave extra money in the parking meter
100. Comment on a blog post that you love!


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