Thursday, April 16, 2015

Learn about Blurb

If you're on the internet at all these days (you... are... on the internet right? someone isn't dictating this blog post to you verbally?) you know about Blurb. It's a service that prints photo books, and many other things. So today, let's learn a little more about Blurb.

I think the founding story is adorable, a total fluke. Blurb was started in the early 2000s when Eileen Gittins ( the founder) started getting really into photography. She wanted to make her photos into a nice coffee table photo book but she only wanted to print a handful of copies. The conundrum was that every publisher was quoting her hundreds of dollars for each book! She found this curious – and frustrating. So she asked herself, are there other people like me who want to affordably create their own high-quality book from their photos? The answer, of course, was yes, and it changed her life – and book publishing – forever. In 2006, Eileen launched Blurb, a simple book-designing (and publishing) site that could quickly produce beautifully made books at game-changing price.

Everyone from award-winning photographers, to couples wanting to commemorate the birth of their child started using Blurb – and still do. Even after almost a decade, people are still blown away by Blurb’s user-friendliness, quality, and affordability. People trust Blurb to create every kind of book imaginable, including: CookbooksPhoto booksYearbooks, EbooksMagazines, and more.

And little known fact alert!! You can also write and publish your own book. They actually have sales pages designed to make your book (it can be for the public or just invitation only), post a description and preview page, and then market it with social media. Don't tell anyone just yet but I totally plan on doing this.It's all compatible with Amazon and Apple iBooks Store so authors would have even more options for how they sell their books.

So that's my little "blurb", haha. Oh! And I almost forgot to mention that now through 4/28 you can get 20% off any book you create! If you make one, tell me about it!

Note: This post contains affiliate links.


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